Lifetime Vitality Leadership Team

Lifetime Vitality is led by respected, industry professionals focused on delivering the highest quality care to achieve the best possible outcomes for every single patient. Lifetime’s experienced leadership team has a combined 200+ years of experience in the healthcare industry and are dedicated to supporting a diverse and inclusive culture.

Dan Hirschfeld, BA, MBA, MFa

President & Chief Executive Officer

Prior to Lifetime, Dan Hirschfeld served as President and CEO of Chronic Care Management (CCM), a provider of full service and software services for over 26,000 patients living in independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing homes and traditional home settings. A national presenter and panelist for the healthcare industry and investment industry, Dan has been an industry representative to various state and national government bodies.


Before his time with CCM, Dan spent a total of 23 years with Genesis Healthcare, Inc. serving as President of all the ancillary divisions including Genesis Rehab Services (GRS), Home and Community Based Services, Respiratory Health Services (RHS), Genesis Physician Services (GPS), Signature Home Health and Hospice, CareerStaff Unlimited, Hallmark Institutional Pharmacy, GRS Academy and GRS-HS International. These divisions totaled over $1 billion in revenue, with 1,700 locations serving over 500,000 patients per year throughout the USA and China.

Mary Lea Habegger, MA, CCC-SLP

Chief Clinical Officer

Mary Lea Habegger is a highly innovative, outcomes-based clinical leader with a clear focus on providing care that transforms the lives of patients. Mary Lea has over 25 years of experience leading clinicians and care teams and she is passionate about supporting clinicians in their professional career paths. Mary Lea has years of experience working in health technology, most recently with artificial Intelligence. Additionally, Mary Lea is the co-founder of a non-profit serving patients with Parkinson’s Disease and is a champion for transforming care for the older adult.

Atul M. Gupta, M.D., FACEP

Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Gupta completed an internship in General Surgery and completed his residency in Emergency Medicine, with subspecialty certifications in Advanced Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine. He has served as an Emergency Department Director, hospital Chief of Staff, and Chief Medical Officer of a hospital before starting his own company to run and improve the Emergency Departments of 4 different hospitals in South Carolina. Dr. Gupta is the President of Worldwide Medical, a company that coordinates innovative and evidence-based health care in several countries. He is also the President and Founder of Hilton Head Concierge Physicians, elevating the standard of care by utilizing cutting-edge technology combined with a patient-centered approach, creating a network of practitioners committed to improving timely access to health care.


Dr. Gupta served as the Chief Medical Officer of a company that took Energy Medicine products into over 50 countries worldwide. He has been asked to speak about Health, Nutrition, Wellness, and Anti-Aging all over the country, and in over 20 countries outside of the U.S. Dr. Gupta has been voted “Best Doctor” by Hilton Head Monthly Magazine’s Reader’s Choice Awards, “Best of Bluffton Award” by the Bluffton Today Newspaper voting, and “Sun Select Award” as Best Doctor for Sun City’s Sun Today Newspaper voting.


Vice President

Tim McNelly has 40 years of clinical practice experience in respiratory /pulmonary care, sleep diagnostics, and cardio-pulmonary rehabilitation. He served in executive leadership positions in acute care, post-acute care and home healthcare. Tim is known for his passion and innovation when it comes to the delivery of healthcare services. He is an entrepreneur and visionary with a dedicated focus on transforming the lives of those who need care. Tim is results oriented and has been a national presenter at conferences and a panelist for various healthcare organizations. Tim has held the following positions throughout his career: President & CEO, Accu-Care Medical; VP & Principle, Sleep Solutions; Division President, Air Products Healthcare; Vice President, Genesis Respiratory Health Services; President, REMMED Medical Group.

Michelle Southerly, MS, CCC-SLP

Senior Vice President of Administration

Michelle Southerly is an innovative, results-oriented leader with over 20 years of executive-level management experience. Michelle is known as a versatile leader with experience in team and field operations, change management, insurance authorizations/verification and credentialing. Michelle served 20+ years with Genesis Rehab Services in various management roles, with the last nine years as a VP of Operations and credentialing, verifications, authorizations and medical records.

Caroline Browne, MSPT

Director of Customer Success

Caroline Browne has been in healthcare for over 19 years, first as Physical Therapist clinician as a Physical Therapist and then as a strong clinical operator in a growing healthcare market serving senior care communities and outpatient settings. Caroline has also supported the growth of senior care and rehabilitation into international markets supporting joint ventures, consulting, and clinical education to bring high-quality western-based rehabilitation services to the Asia market. Her expertise in servicing customer needs eventually led her to the healthcare tech market, providing customer success and introducing innovative technology to senior care settings to improve clinical outcomes and quality indicators. 

Partnerships & Affiliations

As part of our commitment to serve as a leader in the industry and to boldly advocate for positive change in home care services and healthcare services, Lifetime takes an active role in both national and local professional associations. Currently, we are in the process of pursuing partnerships and affiliations in the healthcare industry that support our long-term goals.


Lifetime Vitality believes it is our responsibility to care for the world around us to ensure its health for future generations. Lifetime’s business model embeds sustainability into our daily lives through innovation, technology, and our practices.

Electronic forms and signatures

All of our clinics and home-care therapists use an iPad with the latest technology to enable electronic forms and signatures. This reduces our paper usage and the amount of trash that is generated.

Route Optimization

Our home-care therapists use route-optimization software to reduce their consumption of fossil fuels and hazardous emissions.

Reducing Waste

We support sustainable efforts in our clinics to reduce waste in office supplies and in water and energy usage.


Additionally, the Lifetime Vitality leadership team pledges to educate our team members and the communities we serve in ways to reduce waste, energy and water usage and hazardous emissions while at work or at home in their daily lives. By supporting sustainability in the communities we serve, our goal is to ensure a better future for everyone.